To empower women & families to live a more wholistic lifestyle using PHreshWellness plant-based, zero-waste personal care products.
PT and Chance spent a couple of months in Mexico in 2020, a beach reprieve; from the anxiety of the global pandemic, and her journey with friends/family who are now cancer survivors. Upon her return to the U.S., she felt a zest for life like no other. PT knew it was time to make health a priority for herself and her family. A life traversing to wellness became a priority.
PT's vision to create her own natural personal care product line felt organic as a former Beauty & Wellness Marketing Executive. The search for pHresh natural ingredients, cruelty-free research, and extensive product testing ensued.
"Wellness is wealth, and with women busier than ever, it’s easy to lose yourself. pHreshWellness was conceived with busy women in mind, those seeking balance, wealth, and wellness from the inside out, including our environment - sustainability for the next generation."
~PT, Co-Founder
Plant-Based pHresh ingredients with Zero-Waste packaging.
NO toxic people, places or products. Be Well. Live Well.